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Technology and innovation for the high-potential wind energy market

Mi., 26. Jan.



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Technology and innovation for the high-potential  wind energy market
Technology and innovation for the high-potential  wind energy market

Zeit & Ort

26. Jan. 2022, 08:00 – 27. Jan. 2022, 16:30

Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz

Über die Veranstaltung

There is an enormous untapped potential for Swiss innovation and technology to contribute to the rapidly growing wind energy market. The interdisciplinary nature of wind energy means that there are countless application possibili- ties for technology and innovations developed in Switzerland – from AI to Big Data to Data Analytics to Smart Compo- sites to Microelectronics to Smart Sensors to Control Solutions and many more. In this seminar you will not only learn about the technology behind wind turbine and wind farm design, but you will come away understanding the key technological challenges and how interdisciplinary projects can provide innovative solutions in this high-potential market.


CHF 1‘300 (CHF 650 for students)

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